
Friday, November 13, 2009

Resort Chat: Jennifer Hubbard

The Book Resort is thrilled to have the terrific Jennifer Hubbard over for a little dish.

Jennifer is one of the amazing tenners!

Ready? Let's go!

Me: What are you working on now? (If you can give us a hint!)

JH: I don't like to say a lot about works in progress, but I can tell you they are contemporary YA...

Me: Spiderman or Superman:

JH: Depends on when you ask me. Today, Superman.

Me: Wonder Woman or Batgirl:

JH: Wonder Woman, because of that truth lasso.

Me: Chunky or Smooth:

JH: Chunky. Otherwise, what's the point?

Me: Favorite flavor ice cream:

JH: Mint chocolate chip.

Me: Favorite ice cream topping:

JH: Chocolate chips, or real whipped cream.

Me: Subway or Taxi:

JH: I ride public transit all the time, but I appreciate a good taxi ride.

Me: Broadway Show or Movie Theater:

JH: I've actually never been to a Broadway show, so I would have to try that.

Me: TiVo or DVR:

JH: I live in the dark ages; we have a VCR.

Me: Favorite vacation place:

JH: The Pacific Northwest.

Me: Next vacation destination:

JH: It's not decided yet. Still savoring this year's trip to Mount Rainier.

Me: Favorite NYC hotspot:

JH: Ahaha, I'm flattered you would think I have any clue how to answer this.

Me: Guilty Pleasure:

JH: Junk food. Also the Academy Awards red-carpet shows.

Me: Good luck charm:

JH: I don't think I have one. Maybe I should get one.

Me: When you were a little girl, you thought you would grow up to be a….

JH: At various times: teacher, scientist, writer, librarian. I was right about a couple of those.

Me: Last thing bought at the mall:

JH: Clothing.

Me: Item on your grocery list:

JH: Cream.

Me: French fries or Onion Rings:

JH: I don't usually eat either, but I'll have the occasional fry if it comes with my sandwich.

Me: Pizza: New York or Chicago?

JH: Whatever's in front of me. But not pineapple.

Me: Midnight snack:

JH: Popcorn.

Me: Bookmark or dog ear?

JH: Bookmark.

Me: Read with dustjacket or remove it?

JH: I usually leave it on, unless it keeps slipping off in an annoying manner.

Me: Ocean, Lake, Desert, Mountain:

JH: Yes. And you left out forest.

Me: Favorite book:

JH: I can't pick just one! I list several favorites on my website.

Me: Item you can't live without:

JH: My contact lenses.

Me: Who is your favorite writer that most people have never heard of?

JH: Hm. Maybe Ruth Holland.

Me: What kid or teen books made a difference in your world growing up?

JH: All of them. But I read a lot of Judy Blume, Lois Duncan, Ellen Conford, Marilyn Sachs, and Paul Zindel.

Me: Where do you like to write your books (bed ~ coffee shop ~ an office)?

JH: My home office is my favorite place.

Me: Describe your ideal place to write:

JH: See above.

Me: What are you reading @ the moment?

JH: Right now, Psych Major Syndrome. Also, Writers [on Writing], Volume 2. And Leaving Gee's Bend.

Me: Where do you usually read?

JH: Everywhere.

Me: Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time?

JH: Always.

Me: Do you read nonfiction in a different way or place than you read fiction?

JH: No.

About Jennifer:

I grew up in New England and came to Philadelphia at the age of seventeen. Except for a six-month stint in Atlanta, I have lived in the Philadelphia area ever since. I am a night person who believes that mornings were meant to be slept through, a chocolate lover, and a hiker. I walk every day, and hike on weekends when I can.

I’ve been writing since the age of six, when I used to write and illustrate my own picture books. (Fortunately, none of those early efforts have survived, unless my parents are hiding them for future blackmail plans.) In high school, I considered it fun to come home from school and write novels. My grandfather worked at a printing plant that produced spiral-bound notebooks. Any flaws in the printing or binding process would land the notebooks in the company store at a steep discount, so I always had plenty of notebooks on hand. Now I write on a computer most of the time.

Check out:

Jennifer's website

Jennifer's blog

Jennifer on Twitter

Jennifer's Goodreads

Jennifer's Amazon author page

The Secret Year arrives January 7, 2010

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