
Friday, June 5, 2009

A Resort Chat w/ Courtney Summers

The Book Resort is ecstatic to have Courtney Summers pop over for a little dish!

Here we go!

Me: What are you working on now? (If you can give us a hint!)
CS:I just finished revisions for my next novel, Some Girls Are. It's due out in Winter 2010 from St. Martin's Press and it's about very mean girls.

Me: Spiderman or Superman:
CS: Superman! He has Canadian ties, after all.

Me: Wonder Woman or Batgirl:
CS: Wonder Woman. She's AWESOME. Who wouldn't want a Lasso of Truth?

Me: Chunky or Smooth:
CS: Peanut butter? Smooth.

Me: Favorite flavor ice cream:
CS: Chocolate!

Me: Favorite ice cream topping:
CS: A cherry.

Me: Subway or Taxi:
CS: Taxi.

Me: Broadway Show or Movie Theater:
CS: Movie theatre.

Me: TiVo or DVR:

Me: Favorite vacation place:
CS: I don't have one. Yet.

Me: Next vacation destination:
CS: See above.

Me: Favorite NYC hotspot:
CS: Would you believe I've never been? Tragic, I know!

Me: Guilty Pleasure:
CS: I only have guiltless pleasures!

Me: Good luck charm:
CS: A penny.

Me: When you were a little girl, you thought you would grow up to be a….
CS: A singer. It's best for everyone that didn't happen.

Me: Last thing bought at the mall:
CS: Chocolate.

Me: Item on your grocery list:
CS: Juice!

Me: French fries or Onion Rings:
CS: I cannot possibly choose!

Me: Pizza: New York or Chicago?
CS: If it's pizza, it doesn't matter. Just give it to me.

Me: Midnight snack:
CS: Crackers.

Me: Bookmark or dog ear?
CS: Dog ear (shameful, I know!).

Me: Read with dustjacket or remove it?
CS: With.

Me: Ocean, Lake, Desert, Mountain:
CS: It's a tie--ocean or lake.

Me: Favorite book:
CS: The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier.

Me: Item you can't live without:
CS: Laptop.

Me: Who is your favorite writer that most people have never heard of?
CS: I'm not sure... I like to introduce as many people as I can to Ryu Murakami whenever I can, but I don't think he's all that un-known.

Me: What kid or teen books made a difference in your world growing up?
CS: I loved Charlotte's Web. It just made me look at things differently--more closely.

Me: Where do you like to write your books (bed ~ coffee shop ~ an office)?
CS: The desk in my room.

Me: Describe your ideal place to write:
CS: I don't care where I write, just so long as I'm doing it!

Me: What are you reading @ the moment?
CS: Evermore by Alyson Noel, The Spectacular Now by Tim Tharp and The Boys are Back in Town by Christopher Golden.

Me: Where do you usually read?
CS: Everywhere I can.

Me: Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time?
CS: Recently, yes, as the above can attest to. But not usually!

Me: Do you read nonfiction in a different way or place than you read fiction?
CS: Nope!

CS: Thanks Diane!
Me: Thank you, Courtney, it was a blast!

CS: Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed! I had a lot of fun with these questions. :)
Me: Oh, thank you, Courtney! Thanks for fun time!

Hurry! Grab a copy of Courtney's captivating novel Cracked Up to Be.

Check out Courtney @ http://courtneysummers.ca/blog/.

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