The Book Resort is thrilled to have Kay Cassidy over for a little dish! Kay is one of the amazing Tenners!
Ready? Let's go!
Me: What are you working on now? (If you can give us a hint!)
KC: I'm working on book two in the Cinderella Society series. Book 1 is just the beginning of the Cindys vs. Wickeds battle for Jess and the Cindys. :-)
Me: Spiderman or Superman:
KC: I'd have to say Superman. Flying is seriously cool.
Me: Wonder Woman or Batgirl:
KC: Definitely Wonder Woman. Bracelets that can fend off bullets? That's pretty darn awesome.
Me:Chunky or Smooth:
KC: Smoooooooth.
Me: Favorite flavor ice cream:
KC: Chocolate chip or cookies and cream. Although I'm a big fan of mint chocolate chip when I'm not feeling well.
Me: Favorite ice cream topping:
KC: Hot fudge. Mmm...
Me:Subway or Taxi:
KC: That's a tough one. Depending on the city, it could be either. Boston and Chicago? Subway, for sure. Probably Atlanta too. NYC would be a toss-up though... depends on how far you're going and what time of day. (And whether I have a native with me to help me navigate the subway system so I don't end up somewhere in New Jersey.)
Me: Broadway Show or Movie Theater:
KC: Movie theater. I saw Phantom of the Opera in San Francisco and Beauty and the Beast in Atlanta. I loved them both. But there are so many movies that I never get to see. Going to the theater is such a nice treat.
Me: TiVO or DVR:
KC: DVR. How did I ever live without this???
Me: Favorite vacation place:
KC: Our favorite vacation spots were San Juan and Grand Cayman. Sun, relaxation and water. I'm a Pisces, so water is a very soothing thing for me. If I'm on vacation, R&R is the core of my game plan.
Me: Next vacation destination:
KC: Hmm... not including visits to family? I actually have no idea! LOL
Me: Favorite NYC hotspot:
KC: I'm not much of a NYC gal, so I'll just say wherever my agent thinks is good. :-)
Me: Guilty Pleasure:
KC: Is it sad to say reading? I have piles of books that I've bought this summer, but feel guilty reading them because my deadline is rapidly approaching. It's the old "If I have time to read, I have time to work." I'm really looking forward to getting The Cinderella Society book 2 wrapped up and off to my editor so I can enjoy lots of guilt-free reading time.
Me: Good luck charm:
KC: My wedding ring. :-)
Me: When you were a little girl, you thought you would grow up to be a….
KC: MANY things, including (but not limited to): a bacterial epidemiologist, the CFO of a major corporation, an attorney, a business teacher, an actress. I can't remember in which order those occurred, but those were all from elementary school through high school.
Me: Last thing bought at the mall:
KC: Oh gosh, I don't know if I even remember. The nearest mall is 45 minutes away, so it's really (REALLY) rare that I go shopping there. I can tell you the last thing I bought in a store though. BOOKS. :-)
Me: Item on your grocery list:
KC: Currently: AAA batteries (rechargeable), skim milk, yogurt, Thomas blueberry bagels. Golden Oreos are not on the list, but a bag will inevitably find its way into my cart. I think it's magic.
Me: French fries or Onion Rings:
KC: Onion rings. Fries are wonderful, but I adore onion rings... especially at Steak 'n Shake. SO good.
Me: Pizza: New York or Chicago?
KC: Both? I love pizza of any style (except crispy thin crust). Mostly it's about the sauce for me though. I like a mild sauce with just a hint of sweetness. If it's too spicy, it's not for me.
Me: Midnight snack:
KC: Hot cocoa. I have this every night while I'm winding down before bed. Made with skim milk not water and Nestle Quik syrup not Hershey's. I'm apparently very picky about my hot cocoa. (Which, btw, I always called hot chocolate growing up. I think I started calling it hot cocoa when we lived down South. I'm not really sure how that happened.)
Me: Bookmark or dog ear?
KC: Bookmark. Most of my fiction books are in pristine condition. And I never write in general non-fiction books either. If they have quizzes and what-not, I always do them on a separate piece of paper. My writing craft books, however, are the exception.
Those get dog-eared and highlighted to my heart's content. :-)
Me: Read with dustjacket or remove it?
KC: Usually with, unless I'm outside with it or traveling and have to pack it in a suitcase.
Me: Ocean, Lake, Desert, Mountain:
KC: Really anything but the desert. I love water, but I love the view of mountains as well. So maybe... a cabin on the lake with mountains as the backdrop?
Me: Favorite book:
KC:Oh my gosh... too many to name! I will say that two great books I've read this year are WHEN YOU REACH ME by Rebecca Stead and LIFE AS WE KNEW IT by Susan Beth Pfeffer.
Me: Item you can't live without:
KC: My laptop, definitely.
Me: Who is your favorite writer that most people have never heard of?
KC: Hmm, another toughie. I don't think I have one!
Me: What kid or teen books made a difference in your world growing up?
KC: THE WESTING GAME by Ellen Raskin was my favorite book growing up. Not because it made a difference in my life per se, but because it made me fall in love with reading for pleasure (and also with mysteries).
Me: Where do you like to write your books (bed ~ coffee shop ~ an office)?
KC: First drafts usually happen in my home office, I line edit on hard copy in my serenity room (aka my library), and I brainstorm on the screened porch. But I tend to think of my home office as my work room.
Me: Describe your ideal place to write:
KC: My own little home office with a door. I didn't have a door on my home office in our last house (my office was our formal dining room - we're not really formal dining room kind of people). :-) It made it very difficult to write, especially on weekends. Too many lovely distractions!
Me: What are you reading @ the moment?
KC: HEX HALL by Rachel Hawkins (my fellow Tenner and agent mate)
Me: Where do you usually read?
KC: My serenity room. It has my favorite recliner for reading, my favorite throw, and all of my favorite books.
Me: Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time?
KC: I'm usually reading something fiction and non-fiction at the same time. (Well, not AT the same time, but you know what I mean.) :-) I tend to finish a fiction book once I start it or set it aside permanently and read something new if it's not really my speed. But I might jump around a bit and have a few non-fiction books I'm working my way through at any given point.
Me: Do you read nonfiction in a different way or place than you read fiction?
KC: No, pretty much the same. I especially like reading non-fiction in my serenity room because it's a wonderful space for contemplating new ideas.
Me: What are you working on now? (If you can give us a hint!)
KC: I'm working on book two in the Cinderella Society series. Book 1 is just the beginning of the Cindys vs. Wickeds battle for Jess and the Cindys. :-)
Me: Spiderman or Superman:
KC: I'd have to say Superman. Flying is seriously cool.
Me: Wonder Woman or Batgirl:
KC: Definitely Wonder Woman. Bracelets that can fend off bullets? That's pretty darn awesome.
Me:Chunky or Smooth:
KC: Smoooooooth.
Me: Favorite flavor ice cream:
KC: Chocolate chip or cookies and cream. Although I'm a big fan of mint chocolate chip when I'm not feeling well.
Me: Favorite ice cream topping:
KC: Hot fudge. Mmm...
Me:Subway or Taxi:
KC: That's a tough one. Depending on the city, it could be either. Boston and Chicago? Subway, for sure. Probably Atlanta too. NYC would be a toss-up though... depends on how far you're going and what time of day. (And whether I have a native with me to help me navigate the subway system so I don't end up somewhere in New Jersey.)
Me: Broadway Show or Movie Theater:
KC: Movie theater. I saw Phantom of the Opera in San Francisco and Beauty and the Beast in Atlanta. I loved them both. But there are so many movies that I never get to see. Going to the theater is such a nice treat.
Me: TiVO or DVR:
KC: DVR. How did I ever live without this???
Me: Favorite vacation place:
KC: Our favorite vacation spots were San Juan and Grand Cayman. Sun, relaxation and water. I'm a Pisces, so water is a very soothing thing for me. If I'm on vacation, R&R is the core of my game plan.
Me: Next vacation destination:
KC: Hmm... not including visits to family? I actually have no idea! LOL
Me: Favorite NYC hotspot:
KC: I'm not much of a NYC gal, so I'll just say wherever my agent thinks is good. :-)
Me: Guilty Pleasure:
KC: Is it sad to say reading? I have piles of books that I've bought this summer, but feel guilty reading them because my deadline is rapidly approaching. It's the old "If I have time to read, I have time to work." I'm really looking forward to getting The Cinderella Society book 2 wrapped up and off to my editor so I can enjoy lots of guilt-free reading time.
Me: Good luck charm:
KC: My wedding ring. :-)
Me: When you were a little girl, you thought you would grow up to be a….
KC: MANY things, including (but not limited to): a bacterial epidemiologist, the CFO of a major corporation, an attorney, a business teacher, an actress. I can't remember in which order those occurred, but those were all from elementary school through high school.
Me: Last thing bought at the mall:
KC: Oh gosh, I don't know if I even remember. The nearest mall is 45 minutes away, so it's really (REALLY) rare that I go shopping there. I can tell you the last thing I bought in a store though. BOOKS. :-)
Me: Item on your grocery list:
KC: Currently: AAA batteries (rechargeable), skim milk, yogurt, Thomas blueberry bagels. Golden Oreos are not on the list, but a bag will inevitably find its way into my cart. I think it's magic.
Me: French fries or Onion Rings:
KC: Onion rings. Fries are wonderful, but I adore onion rings... especially at Steak 'n Shake. SO good.
Me: Pizza: New York or Chicago?
KC: Both? I love pizza of any style (except crispy thin crust). Mostly it's about the sauce for me though. I like a mild sauce with just a hint of sweetness. If it's too spicy, it's not for me.
Me: Midnight snack:
KC: Hot cocoa. I have this every night while I'm winding down before bed. Made with skim milk not water and Nestle Quik syrup not Hershey's. I'm apparently very picky about my hot cocoa. (Which, btw, I always called hot chocolate growing up. I think I started calling it hot cocoa when we lived down South. I'm not really sure how that happened.)
Me: Bookmark or dog ear?
KC: Bookmark. Most of my fiction books are in pristine condition. And I never write in general non-fiction books either. If they have quizzes and what-not, I always do them on a separate piece of paper. My writing craft books, however, are the exception.
Those get dog-eared and highlighted to my heart's content. :-)
Me: Read with dustjacket or remove it?
KC: Usually with, unless I'm outside with it or traveling and have to pack it in a suitcase.
Me: Ocean, Lake, Desert, Mountain:
KC: Really anything but the desert. I love water, but I love the view of mountains as well. So maybe... a cabin on the lake with mountains as the backdrop?
Me: Favorite book:
KC:Oh my gosh... too many to name! I will say that two great books I've read this year are WHEN YOU REACH ME by Rebecca Stead and LIFE AS WE KNEW IT by Susan Beth Pfeffer.
Me: Item you can't live without:
KC: My laptop, definitely.
Me: Who is your favorite writer that most people have never heard of?
KC: Hmm, another toughie. I don't think I have one!
Me: What kid or teen books made a difference in your world growing up?
KC: THE WESTING GAME by Ellen Raskin was my favorite book growing up. Not because it made a difference in my life per se, but because it made me fall in love with reading for pleasure (and also with mysteries).
Me: Where do you like to write your books (bed ~ coffee shop ~ an office)?
KC: First drafts usually happen in my home office, I line edit on hard copy in my serenity room (aka my library), and I brainstorm on the screened porch. But I tend to think of my home office as my work room.
Me: Describe your ideal place to write:
KC: My own little home office with a door. I didn't have a door on my home office in our last house (my office was our formal dining room - we're not really formal dining room kind of people). :-) It made it very difficult to write, especially on weekends. Too many lovely distractions!
Me: What are you reading @ the moment?
KC: HEX HALL by Rachel Hawkins (my fellow Tenner and agent mate)
Me: Where do you usually read?
KC: My serenity room. It has my favorite recliner for reading, my favorite throw, and all of my favorite books.
Me: Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time?
KC: I'm usually reading something fiction and non-fiction at the same time. (Well, not AT the same time, but you know what I mean.) :-) I tend to finish a fiction book once I start it or set it aside permanently and read something new if it's not really my speed. But I might jump around a bit and have a few non-fiction books I'm working my way through at any given point.
Me: Do you read nonfiction in a different way or place than you read fiction?
KC: No, pretty much the same. I especially like reading non-fiction in my serenity room because it's a wonderful space for contemplating new ideas.
Thank you so much, Kay, for the interview!
About Kay:
Well, for starters… unlike some writers, I wasn’t born with a pencil in my hand. Yes, I went through a phase of writing two-page mysteries when I was eight where characters had names like Mary Alice Higgenbotham and the villain was occasionally a cat. But aside from that brief attack of the writing bug, I didn’t really start writing until I was in my early . (That’s French for “older than I’m admitting here”.) Which just goes to show that you’re never too old to learn something new.
In my younger days, I was a pretty normal girl. Boy crazy since kindergarten, I think I had my first “boyfriend” in fourth grade. Dates back then consisted of meeting at the roller rink (wheels had just been invented) and grabbing the combs out of each other’s back pockets. Très romantic, I know. I was also obsessed with makeovers. There’s just something magical about the idea of reinventing yourself, isn’t there?
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Kay's website. It is a fun place to visit :).
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The Cinderella Society arrives April 13, 2010.
Now available for pre-order!
Books ~A~Million
Isn't this cover gorgeous? It is definitely stunning! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy!
The cover alone is a breakout star!

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