
Friday, November 20, 2009

Resort Chat: Daisy Whitney

The Book Resort is thrilled to have the awesome Daisy Whitney over for a little dish.

Daisy is one of the incredible tenners!

Ready? Let's go!

Me: What are you working on now? (If you can give us a hint!):

DW: I'll be working on the second book in "The Mockingbirds" series soon and until then I'm having fun writing a middle grade story involving cats and dogs.

Me: Spiderman or Superman:

DW: Spiderman all the way! Spiderman 2 is on my top 10 movies of all time list

Me: Wonder Woman or Batgirl:

DW: Wonder Woman

Me: Chunky or Smooth:

DW: Chunky

Me: Favorite flavor ice cream:

DW: Mint Chocolate chip (Which you will learn happens to be the favorite flavor of my main character...I'm so original!)

Me: Favorite ice cream topping:

DW: Chocolate sprinkles

Me: Subway or Taxi:

DW: Taxi if someone else is paying, subway if I'm paying

Me: Broadway Show or Movie Theater:

DW: Broadway, no questions asked. I grew up LOVING Broadway and have written my novels with Broadway show tunes playing in my iTunes

Me: TiVO or DVR:

DW: Neither. I don't have cable. I watch TV shows online, which is its own DVR

Me: Favorite vacation place:

DW: Tokyo

Me: Next vacation destination:

DW: London

Me: Favorite NYC hotspot:

DW: Kraft

Me: Guilty Pleasure:

DW: There are so many but it would have to be US Weekly, which I read cover to cover every week AND discuss with my husband, who is also a devotee

Me: Good luck charm:

DW: A locket that has a picture of the cat I had growing up in it and the first cat I adopted as an adult. Which is weird, since I am a total dog person.

Me: When you were a little girl, you thought you would grow up to be a….

DW: A Broadway star, then a ski jumper...

Me: Last thing bought at the mall:

DW: See's chocolate chips, because the chocolate chip cookie recipe on the bag is the best! Really, try it.

Me: Item on your grocery list:

DW: Pretzels, my favorite snack food

Me: French fries or Onion Rings:

DW: 100% French Fries

Me: Pizza: New York or Chicago?

DW: New York

Me: Midnight snack:

DW: Air-popped popcorn with salt and romano cheese

Me: Bookmark or dog ear?

DW: Bookmark

Me: Read with dustjacket or remove it?

DW: Read with Jacket

Me: Ocean, Lake, Desert, Mountain:

DW: Ocean...

Me: Favorite book:

DW: A River Runs Through It

Me: Item you can't live without:

DW: My Kindle

Me: Who is your favorite writer that most people have never heard of?

DW: I'm going to plead the fifth on this one...

Me: What kid or teen books made a difference in your world growing up?

DW: Laura Ingalls Wilder books! I LOVED the Little House on the Prairie books

Me: Where do you like to write your books (bed ~ coffee shop ~ an office)?

DW: My living room couch and also the local Borders, which has cushy chairs and good tea.

Me: Describe your ideal place to write:

DW: On a lanai in Hawaii with a soft breeze, the ocean waves lapping the shore and my own personal assistant bringing me iced tea....Sigh..

Me: What are you reading @ the moment?

DW: Her Fearful Symmetry and The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks

Me: Where do you usually read?

DW: In bed...

Me: Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time?

DW: Yes...but when I really get into a book I often set the others aside

Me: Do you read nonfiction in a different way or place than you read fiction?

DW: I try not to read non-fiction...But when I read magazines or newspapers I read them online or at the kitchen table or living room, never in bed!

Thank you to the beautiful & charming Daisy!

About Daisy:

By day, Daisy Whitney is a producer, on-air correspondent, podcaster and expert in the new media business.

At night, she writes novels for teens and is the author of The Mockingbirds, to be published by Little, Brown in Fall 2010.

Daisy also produces conferences for iMedia and provides strategy consulting to businesses on their online video presence and the online video marketplace.

As a reporter, Daisy specializes in covering Internet video, social networking, YouTube, iTunes and other forms of online and new media distribution of content for a range of multimedia news outlets including NBC’s KNTV, ABCNews.com, Beet.TV, MediaPost and others.

She is one of the first journalists to launch her own online newscast that covers the business of Internet video – the New Media Minute. Her work is regularly read and watched by executives across the television, cable, advertising and Internet businesses. She also hosts the top-ranked iTunes audio podcast “This Week in Media.”

She LOVES talking about books.

Check out:

Daisy's site/blog

Daisy's Book Recommendation site

Daisy on Twitter

Daisy on Facebook

The Mockingbirds arrives from Little, Brown in
Fall 2010

Unfortunately there is no cover available @ the time of this interview. As soon as Daisy sends it my way, it will be posted!

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