The Book Resort is thrilled to have the amazing Elizabeth Spann Craig over to spend Thanksgiving week w/ me for Mystery Lover's Kitchen Thanksgiving Week.
I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving filled w/ happiness, warm friendships, laughter, love & cherished memories w/ your loved ones.
Embrace your loved ones & treasure your family!
I'm going to kick off my 1st Mystery Lover's Kitchen Thanksgiving Week w/ the lovely ladies favorite Thanksgiving memories & favorite dishes!

Thanksgiving Memory:
My favorite Thanksgiving memory probably wouldn't be the same as my mother's! She had flu one Thanksgiving when I was in college and my memory is of my mother on the sofa in the den, still valiantly trying to direct the cooking while lying down. My younger sister and I were scrambling around with my grandmother and it was fun to actually be preparing the big feast! My grandmother (who my Myrtle Clover series is based on) was a hoot and I remember all of us laughing so hard as we tried to make the dinner as nice as my mom's would have been (with varying degrees of success!) :)

Me: What are you working on now? (If you can give us a hint!)
ESC: I'm revising the next book for the Myrtle Clover series and writing book 2 of the Memphis Barbecue series.
Me: Spiderman or Superman:
ESC: Superman! But then, I'm no big fan of spiders.
Me: Wonder Woman or Batgirl:
ESC: Wonder Woman. She had the coolest accessories and an invisible jet
Me: Chunky or Smooth:
ESC: Smooth.
Me: Favorite flavor ice cream:
ESC: Oh, you've got me here. I said 'smooth' for my previous answer....except for chunky peanut butter and chocolate ice cream.
Me: Favorite ice cream topping:
ESC: Reece's Pieces. The more the better.
Me: Subway or Taxi:
ESC: Say what? I'm a Southern girl....
Me: Broadway Show or Movie Theater:
ESC: Oh, definitely Broadway. But getting there might be challenging...
Me: TiVo or DVR:
ESC: DVR on my satellite
Me: Favorite vacation place:
ESC: Folly Beach, South Carolina
Me: Next vacation destination:
ESC: Blowing Rock, NC (mountains)
Me: Favorite NYC hotspot:
ESC: Oh Lord. I haven't been to NY since I was 18. Can I call the theater a hotspot? I loved it!
Me: Guilty Pleasure:
ESC: Taking time for ME. I'm a mom, so it's all about the guilt.
Me: Good luck charm:
ESC: A ratty 4 leaf clover from high school
Me: When you were a little girl, you thought you would grow up to be a….
ESC: Archaeologist
Me: Last thing bought at the mall:
ESC: Clip-on earrings for my 3rd grade daughter
Me: Item on your grocery list:
ESC: Spinach-stuffed pasta
Me: French fries or Onion Rings:
ESC: French fries with gobs of ketchup
Me: Pizza: New York or Chicago?
ESC: Haven't been to Chicago, so I'll have to say New York
Me: Midnight snack:
ESC: Cookies and milk
Me: Bookmark or dog ear?
ESC: Is it mine? If it's the library's I'll bookmark. Otherwise, I not only dog ear, I bring out the red pen and deconstruct. :)
Me: Read with dustjacket or remove it?
ESC: Remove it..
Me: Ocean, Lake, Desert, Mountain:
ESC: Oceans. If only we could have mountains and oceans simultaneously, then I'd really be thrilled!
Me: Favorite book:
ESC: And Then There Were None
Me: Item you can't live without:
ESC: Books
Me: Who is your favorite writer that most people have never heard of?
ESC: Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Me: What kid or teen books made a difference in your world growing up?
ESC: Agatha Christie. She inspired me to write mysteries.
Me: Where do you like to write your books (bed ~ coffee shop ~ an office)?
ESC: Anywhere I can grab 15 minutes! I write completely on the go.
Me: Describe your ideal place to write:
ESC: I have a funny feeling that I shouldn't mess with success! So I'll continue writing in the car at stoplights, in coffee shops on the way to other errands, in pediatric waiting rooms, and while sitting in the carpool line.
Me: What are you reading @ the moment?
ESC: I'm reading In the Shadow of the Glacier by Vicki Delany
Me: Where do you usually read?
ESC: In bed.
Me: Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time?
ESC: I try not to, but yes, I frequently end up with more than one.
Me: Do you read nonfiction in a different way or place than you read fiction?
ESC: My nonfiction reads tend to be biographies and I'm really searching for the 'real person' in the bio. I'll flip through extraneous material in the search for the truth!
Me: Thank you so much, Elizabeth!
ESC: Thanks so much, Diane, for having us!

About Elizabeth:
Like her characters, Elizabeth Spann Craig’s roots are in a small, Southern town. She grew up in Anderson, South Carolina, where she spent most of her childhood in the county library, staggering out with books by the armful.
Her magazine articles have appeared in both England and the United States.
She’s the mother of two and currently lives in Matthews, North Carolina. Between juggling room mom duties, refereeing play dates, and being dragged along as chaperone/hostage on field trips, she dreams of dark and stormy nights beside stacks of intriguing mysteries with excellent opening lines.

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I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving filled w/ happiness, warm friendships, laughter, love & cherished memories w/ your loved ones.
Embrace your loved ones & treasure your family!
I'm going to kick off my 1st Mystery Lover's Kitchen Thanksgiving Week w/ the lovely ladies favorite Thanksgiving memories & favorite dishes!
Thanksgiving Memory:
My favorite Thanksgiving memory probably wouldn't be the same as my mother's! She had flu one Thanksgiving when I was in college and my memory is of my mother on the sofa in the den, still valiantly trying to direct the cooking while lying down. My younger sister and I were scrambling around with my grandmother and it was fun to actually be preparing the big feast! My grandmother (who my Myrtle Clover series is based on) was a hoot and I remember all of us laughing so hard as we tried to make the dinner as nice as my mom's would have been (with varying degrees of success!) :)
Me: What are you working on now? (If you can give us a hint!)
ESC: I'm revising the next book for the Myrtle Clover series and writing book 2 of the Memphis Barbecue series.
Me: Spiderman or Superman:
ESC: Superman! But then, I'm no big fan of spiders.
Me: Wonder Woman or Batgirl:
ESC: Wonder Woman. She had the coolest accessories and an invisible jet
Me: Chunky or Smooth:
ESC: Smooth.
Me: Favorite flavor ice cream:
ESC: Oh, you've got me here. I said 'smooth' for my previous answer....except for chunky peanut butter and chocolate ice cream.
Me: Favorite ice cream topping:
ESC: Reece's Pieces. The more the better.
Me: Subway or Taxi:
ESC: Say what? I'm a Southern girl....
Me: Broadway Show or Movie Theater:
ESC: Oh, definitely Broadway. But getting there might be challenging...
Me: TiVo or DVR:
ESC: DVR on my satellite
Me: Favorite vacation place:
ESC: Folly Beach, South Carolina
Me: Next vacation destination:
ESC: Blowing Rock, NC (mountains)
Me: Favorite NYC hotspot:
ESC: Oh Lord. I haven't been to NY since I was 18. Can I call the theater a hotspot? I loved it!
Me: Guilty Pleasure:
ESC: Taking time for ME. I'm a mom, so it's all about the guilt.
Me: Good luck charm:
ESC: A ratty 4 leaf clover from high school
Me: When you were a little girl, you thought you would grow up to be a….
ESC: Archaeologist
Me: Last thing bought at the mall:
ESC: Clip-on earrings for my 3rd grade daughter
Me: Item on your grocery list:
ESC: Spinach-stuffed pasta
Me: French fries or Onion Rings:
ESC: French fries with gobs of ketchup
Me: Pizza: New York or Chicago?
ESC: Haven't been to Chicago, so I'll have to say New York
Me: Midnight snack:
ESC: Cookies and milk
Me: Bookmark or dog ear?
ESC: Is it mine? If it's the library's I'll bookmark. Otherwise, I not only dog ear, I bring out the red pen and deconstruct. :)
Me: Read with dustjacket or remove it?
ESC: Remove it..
Me: Ocean, Lake, Desert, Mountain:
ESC: Oceans. If only we could have mountains and oceans simultaneously, then I'd really be thrilled!
Me: Favorite book:
ESC: And Then There Were None
Me: Item you can't live without:
ESC: Books
Me: Who is your favorite writer that most people have never heard of?
ESC: Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Me: What kid or teen books made a difference in your world growing up?
ESC: Agatha Christie. She inspired me to write mysteries.
Me: Where do you like to write your books (bed ~ coffee shop ~ an office)?
ESC: Anywhere I can grab 15 minutes! I write completely on the go.
Me: Describe your ideal place to write:
ESC: I have a funny feeling that I shouldn't mess with success! So I'll continue writing in the car at stoplights, in coffee shops on the way to other errands, in pediatric waiting rooms, and while sitting in the carpool line.
Me: What are you reading @ the moment?
ESC: I'm reading In the Shadow of the Glacier by Vicki Delany
Me: Where do you usually read?
ESC: In bed.
Me: Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time?
ESC: I try not to, but yes, I frequently end up with more than one.
Me: Do you read nonfiction in a different way or place than you read fiction?
ESC: My nonfiction reads tend to be biographies and I'm really searching for the 'real person' in the bio. I'll flip through extraneous material in the search for the truth!
Me: Thank you so much, Elizabeth!
ESC: Thanks so much, Diane, for having us!
About Elizabeth:
Like her characters, Elizabeth Spann Craig’s roots are in a small, Southern town. She grew up in Anderson, South Carolina, where she spent most of her childhood in the county library, staggering out with books by the armful.
Her magazine articles have appeared in both England and the United States.
She’s the mother of two and currently lives in Matthews, North Carolina. Between juggling room mom duties, refereeing play dates, and being dragged along as chaperone/hostage on field trips, she dreams of dark and stormy nights beside stacks of intriguing mysteries with excellent opening lines.
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