
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Resort Chat: Susan Mallery

The Book Resort is thrilled to have Susan Mallery stop by for a little dish.

Ready? Let's go!

Me: What are you working on now? (If you can give us a hint!)

SM: I wear a lot of hats. The fourth book of my Lone Star Sisters series, HOT ON HER HEELS, is out, so when I’m not writing, I’m busy promoting that. I’m really eager to see what readers think of the fourth book. Garth, the hero of the final book of the series, was the villain of the first three books. Based on the feedback I’ve been getting since the first book, I’m very optimistic that my readers will fall in love with him. They’ve been asking me to write a book for him ever since book 1, UNDER HER SKIN.

As for writing, I’m working on the third book of a new series I’m launching next year, set in Fool’s Gold, California. This book is another story readers have been asking me to write. The hero is Raoul Moreno, a troubled teen from the second book in the Bakery Sisters series, SWEET TROUBLE, which came out in 2008 (and is still available in stores). Let me tell you, Raoul grew up very well.

Me: Spiderman or Superman:

SM: Superman. I want to see a guy’s face. (And an upside down kiss in the rain with half the face revealed… doesn’t cut it.) Plus, I’m a girl and spiders aren’t my thing. I’m mature enough that I don’t shriek when I see them…at least not on the outside. But there is soft muttering and swearing. Adding the word “man” after the word “spider” does not a sexy image make!

Me: Wonder Woman or Batgirl:

SM: Wonder Woman. It’s all about the accessories. Love, love, love the bracelets and hello, a private jet???

Me: Chunky or Smooth:

SM: Depends on the subject matter. Chunky peanut butter, smooth thighs. Sadly, you can’t have the second if you overindulge in the first.

Me: Favorite flavor ice cream:

SM: Chunky Monkey, mostly because I like the name.

Me: Favorite ice cream topping:

SM: Anything chocolate.

Me: Subway or Taxi:

SM: Taxi, definitely, especially if I could get a ride in the Cash Cab from A&E. Love that show! Plus, I’m an LA girl at heart. I’ve never been able to figure out the subway.

Me: Broadway Show or Movie Theater:

SM: I love both. Don’t make me choose!

Me: TiVO or DVR:


Me: Favorite vacation place:

SM: A five-star hotel. Oh, did you want me to name a city?

Me: Next vacation destination:

SM: Not yet scheduled, but your next question is giving me ideas.

Me: Favorite NYC hotspot:

SM: Um, I do retail, rather than hotspots. I’d rather shop, then meet friends in a quiet place to dish and share appetizers.

Me: Guilty Pleasure:

SM: Reality shows.

Me: Good luck charm:

SM: My dog, Nikki.

Me: When you were a little girl, you thought you would grow up to be a….

SM: Believe it or not, an accountant.

SM: Last thing bought at the mall:

Me: Fabulous new shoes. I still get giddy when I think of them. Of course, since I work at home, I haven’t actually worn them yet, but it makes me happy to know they’re there. Cole Haan gray suede pumps with an impossibly high heel. Can you hear the quiver in my voice?

Me: Item on your grocery list:

SM: Nothing of great interest. The usual stuff. Did I mention the Chunky Monkey?

Me: French fries or Onion Rings:

SM: Onion rings…

Me: Pizza: New York or Chicago?

SM: New York.

Me: Midnight snack:

SM: Ice cream and/or cookies

Me: Bookmark or dog ear?

SM: Bookmark. Deface a book? I’m an author. I think dog earring would be illegal for me.

Me: Read with dustjacket or remove it?

SM: With.

Me: Ocean, Lake, Desert, Mountain:

SM: I love the ocean!

Me: Favorite book:

SM: I’ve loved a lot of books over the years, but none I would call my favorite. I always have a hard time with the Desert Island question, too.

Me: Item you can't live without:

SM: My computer. I use it almost constantly. I write on it, use it for research, and it’s the main way I stay connected with the world, too. Plus, the games!

Me: Who is your favorite writer that most people have never heard of?

SM: Most of my friends. And I’ve gotten in trouble for leaving one off a list.

Me: What kid or teen books made a difference in your world growing up?

SM: Judy Blume books were fabulous!

Me: Where do you like to write your books (bed ~ coffee shop ~ an office)?

SM: I work in my home office. In theory, I could write anywhere, but I like my quiet little corner of the world.

Me: Describe your ideal place to write:

SM: Somewhere I can be alone, with no distractions. A hotel room is pretty darned cool. Someone else makes the bed, there’s room service and cable. It’s kinda like what I imagine heaven to be.

Me: What are you reading @ the moment?

SM: STORM OF SHADOWS by my fabulous friend Christina Dodd. It’s a thrilling book. I’m loving it!

Me: Where do you usually read?

SM: Everywhere. Seriously, I always have at least one book with me.

Me: Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time?

SM: No, I usually finish one before moving on to the second.

Me: Do you read nonfiction in a different way or place than you read fiction?

SM: No, I read both fiction and nonfiction from left to right.

Check out:

Susan Mallery's website



Glimpse: Hot On Her Heels ~ Susan Mallery

Click here to purchase Under Her Skin ~ Book 1 Lone Star Sisters

Click here to purchase Lip Service ~ Book 2 Lone Star Sisters

Click here to purchase Straight From The Hip ~ Book 3 Lone Star Sisters

Click here to purchase Hot On Her Heels ~ Book 4 Lone Star Sisters

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