
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Resort Interview: Lisa Jackson

I want to thank the awesome Lisa Jackson for taking the time out of her busy life for this incredible interview. It was a lot of fun to talk to one of my absolute favorites.

Me: Please describe your latest book in 15 words or less:
Lisa Jackson: Detective Rick Bentz is haunted by his ex-wife while investigating her death.

Me: Where do you like to write your books (in bed, a coffee shop, on the front porch an office)?
Lisa Jackson: On a chaise lounge with a cup of coffee and my laptop.

Me: What are you reading at the moment?
Lisa Jackson: UNSEEN, by my sister, Nancy Bush.

Me: What are you working on now? (If you can give us a hint!)
Lisa Jackson: I've just finished CHOSEN TO DIE, the sequel to LEFT TO DIE (Yes, the Star Crossed Killer will be revealed!) and am starting on WITHOUT MERCY, my next hardback which is set in a school for wayward teens in Southern Oregon.

Me: Please fill us in on your love for strawberry picking?
Lisa Jackson: I picked strawberries as a child, for money. Mom used to say it wasn't worth the price of my lunch, but I had a lot of fun in the fields!

Me: What is it like for you to go into a bookstore & see entire sections of books that carry your name?
Lisa Jackson: Are you kidding? It's tremendous!!!

Me: Lisa, does it ever just hit you like a ton of bricks that your gift for telling incredible stories has made you a national bestselling author?
Lisa Jackson: Yeah, it's pretty unbelievable. I'm over the moon!

Me:What's on your nightstand?
Lisa Jackson: Eight "to be read" books, a half-finished crossword puzzle, clock, glasses, lamp and TV remote control.

Me:When did your love for words and books begin?
Lisa Jackson: Very early on. TV wasn't what it is today and it rains a lot in Oregon. I come from a long line of readers. I grew up on Nancy Drew and The Black Stallion.

Me: Has it surprised you that you continue to pick up new readers and hold on to loyal ones with each release?
Lisa Jackson: Absolutely! It's so great.

Me: Lisa, you are such a versatile author, you have quite a gift for being able to write under different genres. How have you managed to keep the story lines fresh?
Lisa Jackson: I work on it. Read a lot of current events. Try to stay in touch with younger people as well as older people. I don't want to spew out the same old thing. It's not that hard as each new idea spawns new characters, settings and plots.

Me:What would you like to say to your readers?
Lisa Jackson: That I appreciate them and to "keep reading!!!"

Me: What tips would you give to any of our readers who want to become writers?
Lisa Jackson: Work at it. Hard. But enjoy yourself and write the kind of book you want to read. Read books and try to figure out why the book was published, even if you don't like it. There should be something unique in each book. Also, writing's a tough business so, don't quit your day job. It can take a while to get published. Good luck!

Me:Read with dust jacket or remove it?
Lisa Jackson: With!

Me: Bookmark or dogear?
Lisa Jackson: Dogear... Exclusively. who can keep track of bookmarks? I'm too disorganized and reading too many books at once.

Me: What are some books you read as a child?
Lisa Jackson: The Nancy Drew series, The Black Stallion series, Agatha Christie Mysteries, "Rebecca" by Daphne du Maurier and "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte. Mary Stewart books, all the classics . . . then ghost stories and suspense. I loved castles and dark knights and gothic novels, too. Basically, whatever I could get my hands on!

Me: Where do you usually read?
Lisa Jackson: On the couch or in bed. When I get lucky and am somewhere warm, by the pool, in the shade.

Me: When you write, do you tend to finish one book at a time or are you working on several different stories simultaneously?
Lisa Jackson: One thing at a time for me. I might stop a book to write a proposal, but never simultaneously.

Me: Is there any form of writing that you haven't tried that you are interested in?
Lisa Jackson: Probably a little more paranormal or horror . . . but really I'm pretty happy writing what I do.

Me: In terms of influences on you as a writer, who or what do you count as your influences?
Lisa Jackson: I think every book I ever read inspired me. Stephen King and Nelson DeMille come to mind.

Me: Early Bird or Night Owl ?
Lisa Jackson: Well, I love to catch the worm, but wish I could be both! I am an early riser, but love the night.

Me: Thank you so much : )
Lisa Jackson: Thank YOU!


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