
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Resort Chat with Jessica Conant Park

I am honored & delighted to have my friend & one of my absolute faves, the entertaining,
fabulous & sharp Jessica Conant Park, stop by The Book Resort for a little gossip.

Jessica writes the delicious Gourmet Girl series w/ her mom, Susan Conant.


Me: What are you working on now? (If you can give us a hint!)

JCP: I've finished a YA book that is now with my agent...but I can't say more quite yet! And I have a few other ideas for some YA books, so we'll see...

Me: Spiderman or Superman:

JCP: Superman. So cute in that outfit!

Me: Wonder Woman or Batgirl:

JCP: Definitely Wonder Woman. I had a great costume that my mother made for me when I was a kid with the lasso, red boots, and even fake gold boobs. It was great.

Me: Chunky or Smooth:

JCP: Smooth

Me: Favorite flavor ice cream:

JCP: Chocolate. Just plain chocolate.

Me: Favorite ice cream topping:

JCP: Chocolate sauce. (Do you see a trend here?)

Me: Subway or Taxi:

JCP: Taxi

Me: Broadway Show or Movie Theater:

JCP: Movie theater

Me: TiVo or DVR:

JCP: Um...VCR. Don't tell anyone.

Me: Favorite vacation place:

JCP: The coast of Maine

Me: Next vacation destination:

JCP: If this is a fantasy vacation, then Hawaii.

Me: Favorite NYC hotspot:

JCP: Hm...I'm not really a NYC gal...

Me: Guilty Pleasure:

JCP: See chocolate references above.

Me: Good luck charm:

JCP: Bracelet from my pal Melissa.

Me: When you were a little girl, you thought you would grow up to be a…. teacher.

JCP: Last thing bought at the mall: Summer cargo pants.

Me: Item on your grocery list:

JCP: Mixed olives.

Me: French fries or Onion Rings:

JCP: O Rings!

Me: Pizza: New York or Chicago?

JCP: New York

Me: Midnight snack:

JCP: Cheddar cheese

Me: Bookmark or dog ear?

JCP: I'm awful, but dog ear. And don't pass this info on or I'll be in big trouble!

Me: Read with dustjacket or remove it?

JCP: With

Me: Ocean ~ Lake ~ Desert ~ Mountain:

JCP: Ocean

Me: Favorite book:

JCP: The Easy Way Out by Stephen McCauley

Me: Item you can't live without:

JCP: My laptop

Me: Who is your favorite writer that most people have never heard of?

JCP: Again, Stephen McCauley. He is beyond funny and I can reread his books over and over.

Me: What kid or teen books made a difference in your world growing up?

JCP: The Judy Blume books, of course, and Gone With the Wind.

Me: Where do you like to write your books (bed ~ coffee shop ~ an office)?

JCP: I actually pull my laptop into bed and write from the comfort of pillows!

Me: Describe your ideal place to write:

JCP: A luxurious lounge chair under an umbrella by the ocean. Very deserted spot...

Me: What are you reading @ the moment?

JCP: Working my way through Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse books.

Me: Where do you usually read?

JCP: In bed or in the car (when my husband is driving, don't worry!) and outside on the front steps in the nice weather.

Me: Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time?

JCP: Nope, I can't switch around like some people can.

Me: Do you read nonfiction in a different way or place than you read fiction?

JCP: Nope, anyplace, anytime!

Thank you so much to the always charming Jessica Conant Park.

Jessica, I'm really looking forward to your adventure in the YA scene. I do look forward to more Chloe & Josh!

Hurry & pick up a copy of Fed Up!

Check Jessica out @

The Large Print Edition due out 7/28

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