The Book Resort is thrilled to have the delightful Chloe Neill stop by for a chat.
Ready? Let's go!
Me: If vampires were discovered to exist today, do you think our society would accept them or try to destroy them?
CN: I think we'd probably see a mix of research and destruction. Folks would try to figure out what makes vampires tick so that they could use those skills to their advantage, and fear would drive most everyone else to quarantine and eradication.
Me: If you were bitten by a vampire, you'd rather be... staked or given eternal life?
CN: Hmm. If there's no middle ground, probably eternal life. I'd like at least a little time to be a vampire before staking.
Me: Why do you think the vampire has remained such a popular subject in both film & literature?
CN: I think vampirisim taps into the human craving for the dark and taboo. We see vampires as dark and sensuous, and males are typically the "bad boys," the forbidden boys we aren't supposed to have.
Me: Have you ever used any of yourself, family &/or friends for inspiration?
CN: Nope. I already know my friends, family and myself, so I have no need to write about them.
Me: Where do you find your inspiration for the supernatural characters that appear in your novels?
CN: The characters themselves were born the way they were. Catcher was always catcher; Jeff was always Jeff. But I'll occasionally see an outfit or a hairstyle or hear a phrase that makes me think of my character, and I keep a notebook of those little details so that I can utilize them later on.
Me: How did you come up with the idea for the series?
CN: I knew I wanted to write about a female vampire heroine, but I had some slightly screwy ideas at first about the bad vampires and Mallory being pretty ditzy. But then I got an idea for Ethan, and the rest blossomed from there.
Me: What is your idea of a perfect day?
CN: Eight straight hours of free time. I don't even remember what that feels like. :)
Me: Do you think " Count Dracula" or "The Vampire" as a genre has been staked -- is dying ? Do you believe it has any real horror left in it?
CN: I think we're hitting a new wave of vampire fiction, but I hope the interest continues. I think Twilight and True Blood has introduced readers to all that paranormal fiction has to offer, and the multitudes of perspectives on the supernatural world offer lots back to readers.
Me: In your opinion, what is the greatest vampire story ever written & why?
CN: I'm not sure I could pick out a "greatest" story, but Bram Stoker's up at the top of the list in terms of establishing the genre.
Me: What kind of research did you do for the series?
CN: Some of the big topics I researched include vampire mythology, magic, Chicago history and architecture, and various Chicago neighborhoods.
Me: Do you attend any writing groups? If so, how did your participation enhance your writing?
CN: Nope. My day job involves writing, so I get a lot of practice there, and I bounce plot ideas off of Mr. Neill.
CN: I think we'd probably see a mix of research and destruction. Folks would try to figure out what makes vampires tick so that they could use those skills to their advantage, and fear would drive most everyone else to quarantine and eradication.
Me: If you were bitten by a vampire, you'd rather be... staked or given eternal life?
CN: Hmm. If there's no middle ground, probably eternal life. I'd like at least a little time to be a vampire before staking.
Me: Why do you think the vampire has remained such a popular subject in both film & literature?
CN: I think vampirisim taps into the human craving for the dark and taboo. We see vampires as dark and sensuous, and males are typically the "bad boys," the forbidden boys we aren't supposed to have.
Me: Have you ever used any of yourself, family &/or friends for inspiration?
CN: Nope. I already know my friends, family and myself, so I have no need to write about them.
Me: Where do you find your inspiration for the supernatural characters that appear in your novels?
CN: The characters themselves were born the way they were. Catcher was always catcher; Jeff was always Jeff. But I'll occasionally see an outfit or a hairstyle or hear a phrase that makes me think of my character, and I keep a notebook of those little details so that I can utilize them later on.
Me: How did you come up with the idea for the series?
CN: I knew I wanted to write about a female vampire heroine, but I had some slightly screwy ideas at first about the bad vampires and Mallory being pretty ditzy. But then I got an idea for Ethan, and the rest blossomed from there.
Me: What is your idea of a perfect day?
CN: Eight straight hours of free time. I don't even remember what that feels like. :)
Me: Do you think " Count Dracula" or "The Vampire" as a genre has been staked -- is dying ? Do you believe it has any real horror left in it?
CN: I think we're hitting a new wave of vampire fiction, but I hope the interest continues. I think Twilight and True Blood has introduced readers to all that paranormal fiction has to offer, and the multitudes of perspectives on the supernatural world offer lots back to readers.
Me: In your opinion, what is the greatest vampire story ever written & why?
CN: I'm not sure I could pick out a "greatest" story, but Bram Stoker's up at the top of the list in terms of establishing the genre.
Me: What kind of research did you do for the series?
CN: Some of the big topics I researched include vampire mythology, magic, Chicago history and architecture, and various Chicago neighborhoods.
Me: Do you attend any writing groups? If so, how did your participation enhance your writing?
CN: Nope. My day job involves writing, so I get a lot of practice there, and I bounce plot ideas off of Mr. Neill.

Me: Are you planning on attending any conventions in the near future?
CN: Nothing scheduled at the moment, although I will be appearing at the Books, Blood & Bones event with authors including Rosemary Clement-Moore and Marley Gibson at the Books-A-Million in North Little Rock, AR on Saturday, October 24 (5pm-8pm).
Me: What do you enjoy doing when not writing?
CN: If I'm not writing, I'm usually either at my day job or catching up with fans online. (Or playing with my dogs, or spending time with Mr. Neill).
Me: Any movies you particularly enjoyed?
CN: I just watched Doubt, which had some incredible acting in it. Ditto for The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Fabulous movies. Appaloosa is next on our Netflix que.
Me: What can we expect next from Chloe Neill?
CN: In January 2010, FIRESPELL, the first book in my new young adult series, will be released. It's a fun, Nancy-Drewesque story featuring a very cool cast of characters at a boarding school in Chicago.
Me: You showcase an incredible cast of characters in your Chicagoland Vampires series, Chloe. How do you keep track of their foibles & little idiosyncrasies?
CN: Thanks! It's all in my head, mostly. I have written character profiles, but I haven't referred to them much. During the editing process for Twice Bitten, I'll probably re-read SGB and FNB to ensure that everything flows well and is consistent.
Me: Do you have any special rituals to help you get in the mood to write? Massage? Chocolates? Candles?
CN: Right now, a cup of ice water beside me and NCIS on the television.
Me: Has anyone approached you about the film & television rights for the series?
CN: Not as of yet, although inquiries would be best directed to my agent, Lucienne Diver. :)
Me: Are there any plans for other media using any of your work? Graphic Novel/Comics/Games?
CN: Not as of yet.
Me: Your books are fast paced & action filled, do you feel your writing is plot or character driven?
CN: Hopefully both. I hope I've given readers characters they can relate to, and a plot that keeps them interested!
Me: How do you balance the amount of back story you give?
CN: My books are pretty complicated politically, so I try to give folks enough to clue them into the major political currents.
Me: What do you most love about the world you've created in the Chicagoland Vampires series?
CN: I tried to think about every aspect of the world-building--from food to architecture to clothes. Hopefully, it "reads" honestly to readers, especially those from Chicagoland.
Me: Do you think there really are things that go bump in the night? How do you celebrate Halloween?
CN: I truly don't know. I do think it's entirely possible that there are things in the world we can't really comprehend. As for Halloween, we decorate the house, make "mummy dogs" (lil' smokies wrapped in crescent rolls and baked), and hand out lots and lots of candy.
Me: Do you have a Chicagoland Vampires book of shadows?
CN: Hmm. I don't know what that is, so let's say no. :)
Me: Angel or Spike?
CN: Spike!
Me: Sarah Michelle Geller or Kristy Swanson?
Me: Angel, Xander, Giles, Oz, Riley, Wesley?
CN: Hmm. Out of that group, Angel.
Me: Pretzel or Popcorn?
CN: Orville Redenbacher 98% Fat Free Kettle Corn Snack Bags. That's my daily afternoon snack. :)
CN: Nothing scheduled at the moment, although I will be appearing at the Books, Blood & Bones event with authors including Rosemary Clement-Moore and Marley Gibson at the Books-A-Million in North Little Rock, AR on Saturday, October 24 (5pm-8pm).
Me: What do you enjoy doing when not writing?
CN: If I'm not writing, I'm usually either at my day job or catching up with fans online. (Or playing with my dogs, or spending time with Mr. Neill).
Me: Any movies you particularly enjoyed?
CN: I just watched Doubt, which had some incredible acting in it. Ditto for The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Fabulous movies. Appaloosa is next on our Netflix que.
Me: What can we expect next from Chloe Neill?
CN: In January 2010, FIRESPELL, the first book in my new young adult series, will be released. It's a fun, Nancy-Drewesque story featuring a very cool cast of characters at a boarding school in Chicago.
Me: You showcase an incredible cast of characters in your Chicagoland Vampires series, Chloe. How do you keep track of their foibles & little idiosyncrasies?
CN: Thanks! It's all in my head, mostly. I have written character profiles, but I haven't referred to them much. During the editing process for Twice Bitten, I'll probably re-read SGB and FNB to ensure that everything flows well and is consistent.
Me: Do you have any special rituals to help you get in the mood to write? Massage? Chocolates? Candles?
CN: Right now, a cup of ice water beside me and NCIS on the television.
Me: Has anyone approached you about the film & television rights for the series?
CN: Not as of yet, although inquiries would be best directed to my agent, Lucienne Diver. :)
Me: Are there any plans for other media using any of your work? Graphic Novel/Comics/Games?
CN: Not as of yet.
Me: Your books are fast paced & action filled, do you feel your writing is plot or character driven?
CN: Hopefully both. I hope I've given readers characters they can relate to, and a plot that keeps them interested!
Me: How do you balance the amount of back story you give?
CN: My books are pretty complicated politically, so I try to give folks enough to clue them into the major political currents.
Me: What do you most love about the world you've created in the Chicagoland Vampires series?
CN: I tried to think about every aspect of the world-building--from food to architecture to clothes. Hopefully, it "reads" honestly to readers, especially those from Chicagoland.
Me: Do you think there really are things that go bump in the night? How do you celebrate Halloween?
CN: I truly don't know. I do think it's entirely possible that there are things in the world we can't really comprehend. As for Halloween, we decorate the house, make "mummy dogs" (lil' smokies wrapped in crescent rolls and baked), and hand out lots and lots of candy.
Me: Do you have a Chicagoland Vampires book of shadows?
CN: Hmm. I don't know what that is, so let's say no. :)
Me: Angel or Spike?
CN: Spike!
Me: Sarah Michelle Geller or Kristy Swanson?
Me: Angel, Xander, Giles, Oz, Riley, Wesley?
CN: Hmm. Out of that group, Angel.
Me: Pretzel or Popcorn?
CN: Orville Redenbacher 98% Fat Free Kettle Corn Snack Bags. That's my daily afternoon snack. :)
Thank you so much, Chloe!
Check out my review for Some Girls Bite ~ Chloe Neill
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