The Book Resort is thrilled to kick off The Dog Days of Summer by having the delightful & charming A.S. King stop by.
The Dog Days of Summer will focus on books & authors to get us through the hottest & muggiest part of the season.
Me: What are you working on now? (If you can give us a hint!)
A.S. King: I just finished writing a book this week and am now working on the second draft. It’s about breaking free—which is pretty much what all my books are about.
Me: Spiderman or Superman:
A.S. King: Superman
Me: Wonder Woman or Batgirl:
A.S. King: Dude. Wonder Woman!
Me: Chunky or Smooth:
A.S. King: Chunky
Me: Favorite flavor ice cream:
A.S. King: Vanilla
Me: Favorite ice cream topping:
A.S. King: Rice Krispies
Me: Subway or Taxi:
A.S. King: Depends. NYC = taxi. Philly = subway.
Me: Broadway Show or Movie Theater:
A.S. King: Neither.
Me: TiVo or DVR:
A.S. King: Neither. I don’t watch TV.
A.S. King: Superman
Me: Wonder Woman or Batgirl:
A.S. King: Dude. Wonder Woman!
Me: Chunky or Smooth:
A.S. King: Chunky
Me: Favorite flavor ice cream:
A.S. King: Vanilla
Me: Favorite ice cream topping:
A.S. King: Rice Krispies
Me: Subway or Taxi:
A.S. King: Depends. NYC = taxi. Philly = subway.
Me: Broadway Show or Movie Theater:
A.S. King: Neither.
Me: TiVo or DVR:
A.S. King: Neither. I don’t watch TV.
Me: Favorite vacation place:
A.S. King: The Caribbean
Me: Next vacation destination:
A.S. King: I have no idea, but if there's a nanny included, that would be great.
Me: Favorite NYC hotspot:
A.S. King: I need one of these. Suggestions?
Me: Guilty Pleasure:
A.S. King: Mike & Ikes
A.S. King: Mike & Ikes
Me: Good luck charm:
A.S. King: I have a lucky rock.
A.S. King: I have a lucky rock.
Me: When you were a little girl, you thought you would grow up to be a...
A.S. King: *heart surgeon*. (But deep inside I wanted to be a writer.)
Me: Last thing bought at the mall:
A.S. King: A copy of Lisa McMann’s FADE. (It ROCKS.)
Me: Item on your grocery list:
A.S. King: Limes
Me: French fries or Onion Rings:
A.S. King: French fries
Me: Pizza: New York or Chicago ?
A.S. King: New York
Me: Midnight snack:
A.S. King: A bowl of cereal
Me: Bookmark or dog ear?
A.S. King: Bookmark
Me: Read with dustjacket or remove it?
Me: Ocean, Lake , Desert, Mountain:
Me: Favorite book:
Me: Item you can't live without:
A.S. King: My computer.
A.S. King: My computer.
Me: Who is your favorite writer that most people have never heard of?
Me: What kid or teen books made a difference in your world growing up?
A.S. King: Pardon Me, You’re Stepping on my Eyeball & Confessions of a Teenage Baboon by Paul Zindel.
Me: Where do you like to write your books (bed ~ coffee shop ~ an office)?
Me: Describe your ideal place to write:
Me: What are you reading @ the moment?
A.S. King: I steer clear of reading fiction while I’m working on a first draft, but I just finished Robin Brande’s Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature, which was really great, and I’m looking forward to her next one, Fat Cat, which is coming October 2009.
A.S. King: I steer clear of reading fiction while I’m working on a first draft, but I just finished Robin Brande’s Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature, which was really great, and I’m looking forward to her next one, Fat Cat, which is coming October 2009.
Me: Where do you usually read?
Me: Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time?
A.S. King: I’m always reading a few non fiction books for research. But with fiction, I usually go one at a time.
Me: Thank you for stopping by!
A.S. King: Thanks for having me Diane!
A.S. King: Thanks for having me Diane!
Thank you so much, Amy! I wanted to save your interview to kick off The Dog Days of Summer & use The Dust of 100 Dogs as the anchor ; ).
Check out A.S. King @

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