
Monday, June 1, 2009

A Resort Chat w/ Simone Elkeles

The Book Resort is thrilled the charismatic Simone Elkeles stopped over to dish.

Here we go!

Me: What are you working on now? (If you can give us a hint!)
SE: I just signed a contract to write the sequel to Perfect Chemistry - it will be about Alex's brother Carlos. Alex/Brittany will have a big part in the story, and I'm very excited to be writing it!

Me: Spiderman or Superman:
SE: Superman (spiders creep me out)

Me: Wonder Woman or Batgirl:
SE: Batgirl (being behind a mask/mysterious seems like fun)

Me: Chunky or Smooth:
SE: Sometimes I like chunky and sometimes smooth

Me: Favorite flavor ice cream:
SE: Vanilla

Me: Favorite ice cream topping:
SE: Hot caramel

Me: Subway or Taxi:
SE: Taxi (I like chatting with the drivers)

Me: Broadway Show or Movie Theater:
SE: Movie theatre (I love romantic comedies)

Me: TiVo or DVR:
SE: TiVo (although I have a DVR now, I liked my TiVo better)

Me: Favorite vacation place:
SE: Anywhere I can relax and not think about ANYTHING

Me: Next vacation destination:
SE: Phoenix, AZ for Thanksgiving

Me: Favorite NYC hotspot:
SE: I'll let you know next week when I get there.

Me: Guilty Pleasure:
SE: Eating anything fried

Me: Good luck charm:
SE: My kids

Me: When you were a little girl, you thought you would grow up to be a….
SE: Veterinarian or actress

Me: Last thing bought at the mall:
SE: A really cute purse (I didn't need it, but it was cute. I love purses, because no matter how fat or skinny I am, a purse will always fit!)

Me: Item on your grocery list:
SE: Avocado, cucumber (seedless), tomato, muenster cheese and Italian bread

Me: French fries or Onion Rings:
SE: Not a HUGE fan of either, but I'd say French fries

Me: Pizza: New York or Chicago?
SE: I'm a native Chicagoan, so I have to say Chicago!

Me: Midnight snack:
SE: Ice Cream (I know, it's cliche but true)

Me: Bookmark or dog ear?
SE: Bookmark

Me: Read with dustjacket or remove it?
SE: With the dustjacket

Me: Ocean, Lake, Desert, Mountain:
SE: Mountain

Me: Favorite book:
SE: Flipped & Ain't She Sweet

Me: Item you can't live without:
SE: Liquid Eyeliner & my car

Me: Who is your favorite writer that most people have never heard of?
SE: Wendelyn Van Draanen (I don't know if her first name is spelled correctly)

Me: What kid or teen books made a difference in your world growing up?
SE: Forever by Judy Blume

Me: Where do you like to write your books (bed ~ coffee shop ~ an office)?
SE: See below.

Me: Describe your ideal place to write:
SE: Out of the house, either at the local Starbucks or at the Barnes & Noble by my house. I need to be away from the internet

Me: What are you reading @ the moment?
SE: The Spymasters Lady

Me: Where do you usually read?
SE: In bed before I go to sleep

Me: Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time?
SE: No. How do people do that?

Me: Do you read nonfiction in a different way or place than you read fiction?
SE: I don't read nonfiction often...if I do it's usually in the bathroom and it's usually mindless magazines about famous people I don't know. Fiction I read in bed.

Thank you so much, Simone for the great time.

Hurry & grab a copy of Perfect Chemistry.

Check out Simone @

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