I want to thank the awesome Marley Gibson for taking the time from ghost hunting & all of her eerie dealings to visit The Book Resort for an incredible interview. It was a lot of fun to talk to the charming Marley Gibson.
What was that? Did you hear something? Why is it getting cold in here?
Me: Ghost Huntress: The Awakening is the first book in the trilogy, Marley, did you set out to write a trilogy or did it evolve into one naturally?
Marley: I knew I wanted to write a series and the way the arc of the story played out for me was over the course of three books, so it evolved naturally for me. I will say that I have ideas for more books, so if the book is successful, hopefully there will be more adventures for my ghost huntresses!
Me: Please describe your latest book in 15 words or fewer:
Marley: Well...in GHOST HUNTRESS: THE AWAKENING....the story is fiction...the science is real. Welcome to a new reality. (That's the publisher's tag line! = )
Me: Marley, w/o giving anything away, what can readers expect from the next book?
Marley: In GHOST HUNTRESS: THE GUIDANCE, readers will see Kendall growing more comfortable in her psychic skin. She will continue to develop and hone her abilities through the guidance of not only her group of fellow huntresses, but her parents, her mentor, Loreen, and her priest, Father Massimo...and her spirit guide, Emily.
Me: What is next for Kendall?
Marley:I am currently working on GHOST HUNTRESS: THE REASON, the third book in the trilogy that will be a little darker than the other two books. Kendall will experience some very life-changing things that will leave her questioning everything she's ever known.
Me: If Ghost Huntress was to be made into a film/series, Marley, do you have an actress in mind to play Kendall?
Marley: I would have said Kristen Stewart...before she got cast as Bella Swan. LOL!! The girl on the cover of the books is a British model that totally fits the bill as Kendall. If she's an actress, too, I'd love to have her. = )
Me: Where did the idea for Ghost Hunters come from?
Marley: I was attending the New England Romance Writers' Conference back in 2007 and attended a session run by the New England Ghost Project talking about their ghost hunting investigations. I found the idea completely fascinating and knew I had to write a story about teenage ghost hunters. I had no idea at that time that there were TV shows such as GHOST HUNTERS, HAUNTING EVIDENCE, and DEAD FAMOUS - to name a few - that highlighted such types of investigations. From there, everything just blossomed.
Me: How did you come up with the characters?
Marley: I totally made them up. To me, they're real people...3D. In my world, Kendall and her friends really do exist. I just imagined what it would be like to be 16 right now and be going through not only a move to a new part of the country, but a huge life-change, as well. One inspiration I used for the dynamics of the group of friends was THE O.C. I loved that show and loved how all of the characters blended together...each with their own flaws, weaknesses, strengths and redeeming qualities. I wanted that for my characters, as well. I have the geeky-yet-brilliant Celia, the popular-pretty-yet-heart-of-gold Taylor, the rebel-Goth-DJ Becca and the hunk-and-a-half Jason, whom every girl will swoon for (hopefully.)
Me: When did you first know that you wanted to be a writer?
Marley: I've been writing since I picked up the first crayon and started on the alphabet. I used to write stories for my family and auction them off to them for like a dime or a quarter. LOL! I started writing seriously for publication in 2001. Took 15 manuscripts and two agents, but I never gave up!
Me: Do you have a title for book 2?
Me: What are you working on now? (If you can give us a hint!)
Marley: Working on the third GHOST HUNTRESS book...and just finished up work on my non-fic companion book, GHOST HUNTING: THE INS AND OUTS OF PARANORMAL INVESTIGATIONS that I co-wrote with Patrick Burns of truTV's HAUNTING EVIDENCE and Dave Schrader of Darkness Radio. That book will be out in September 2009.

Me: Do you listen to music while you're writing?
Marley:Absolutely! House/Dance/Trance/Electronica...as loud as I can stand it.
Me: Where do you like to write your books (bed ~ coffee shop ~ an office)?
Marley: I do really well writing on my laptop or my AlphaSmart during my lunch hour. Love to go sit at Au Bon Pain or Starbucks, soak up the sunshine and people walking by and just pound out 1,500 words in about an hour.
Me: Describe your ideal place to write:
Marley: Anywhere you can really concentrate, dive into the world you're creating and just let the creativity flow.
Me: What are you reading @ the moment?
Marley: GOING TOO FAR, by Jenn Echols, which I got to read when she was writing it originally a couple of years ago. Really great story.
Me: Where do you usually read?
Marley: On the train to work or....in the bathroom. LOL! What...you asked! = )
Me: Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time?
Marley: Sometimes...not lately...but I've been known to do it.
Me: Do you read nonfiction in a different way or place than you read fiction?
Marley: I haven't read a lot of non-fiction in a while...
Me: When you write, do you tend to finish one book at a time or are you working on several different stories simultaneously?
Marley: I like to work on one story at a time. Sure, there are other ideas, characters or dialogue that might start knocking at my brain, but as my mentor and friend, Jessica Andersen, once told me, "tell the other children to be quiet..."
Me: Marley, is there any form of writing that you haven't tried that you are interested in?
Marley:Not really sure of this question...
Me: In terms of influences on you as a writer, who or what do you count as your influences?
Marley: My parents encouraged me to read when I was a little kid...and I did...consuming anything that I could. Also, my grandmother was instrumental in teaching me how to use my imagination. I credit my imagination with my ability to write and creative character and worlds.
Me: If you had to sum up your books/series for new readers, what would you tell them?
Marley: GHOST HUNTRESS isn't just about ghost hunting...it's about the universal struggle that all teens go through to find their way in life, discover who they are and where they fit and managing friends, school, family and...growing up.
Me: Are there any books which you have read in the past six months which you could recommend to your readers?
Marley: Wendy Toliver's MISS MATCH, The TWILIGHT series, Simone Elkeles' LEAVING PARADISE.
Me: Do you have any plans in the future to introduce a new, recurring character ?
Marley: Of course! = )
Me: If you could name just one author who has influenced you the most as a writer, who would it be?
Marley: As a fan...Barbara Delinksy, who took the time to answer my fan mail back in 2001 and told me that if I wanted to be a writer, I needed to "just do it." As a writer, my friend and mentor, Jessica Andersen, who worked with me for years critiquing for me and making suggestions and making me a better writer.
Me: Favorite musical artists?
Marley: Old school...Rick Springfield, Hall & Oates, Billy Joel
Me: What was the last movie you saw at the theater?
Marley: Going to go see FAST & FURIOUS tonight!
Me: Marley, what advice would you give to your teen readers?
Marley: Keep reading...keep absorbing the written word. TV shows, computer games, and Internet distractions come and go, but books have been around forever...always treasure the stories you read.
Me: If you were a season, Marley, which one would you be?
Marley: Fall...changing of the weather, football season, leaves turning colors...
Me: What, or who, has been the greatest inspiration for your stories?
Marley: Everyone I meet, listen to, talk to, interact with has inspired characters in my writing in some way or the other.
Me: Who was the most memorable &/or inspirational teacher from your childhood?
Marley: Mrs. Ledbetter, first grade, was impressed with my reading ability and had me reading third grade level. She was always encouraging and supportive. I used to bring her carrots that my mother added to my lunch for her.
Me: What’s been your most memorable moment as an author thus far?
Marley: Seeing the book cover design with MY NAME on it. Of course, getting "The Call" from my agent was pretty cool, too!
Me: Thank you, Marley, for stopping by. I wish you many sales & much success.
Marley: Thanks for the opportunity!! = )
Me:Is it possible Kendall may go beyond the 3 book series?
Marley: From your lips to God's ears!!! = )
Me: Thanks again = }
Wow!!! Marley is cool!!!
Y'know like hot pizza, french fries, strappy sandals, fresh from the oven bread/cookies, hot fudge sundae cool !!!
Hurry go get it Ghost Huntress Book 1: The Awakening by Marley Gibson
Check out the super fab Marley = }
@ http://www.ghosthuntress.com/
@ http://www.marleygibson.com/
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